There is a lot that goes into running a bar. You need to have the right staff, and you need to make sure that there are plenty of drinks available for your patrons. There is also food! Good food can help attract customers, which means it’s an important part of any bar. If you’re looking for new menu items, we’ve rounded up 7 foods that will be profitable for your business.

1. Fried Pickles

Fried Pickles are relatively inexpensive and taste great. Plus, they’re easy to fry up in batches of a dozen or so at a time! It’s also nice that pickles come in different colors, which means you can offer customers something new. They’ll cost your bar about $20 for the ingredients, but they’ll sell out quickly. Most fancy restaurants and bars know that fried pickles are a surefire way to draw crowds.

2. Loaded Nachos

Nachos are a popular item that might be even more profitable for bars because they’re usually served in the bar’s branded dishware. It will cost your business about $30 for this snack to make, but you can charge up to $15 per plate!

3. Burger Sliders

Most bars offer burgers, but the sliders are a unique and delicious twist on this menu item. They’re also easy to make in batches of 12 at a time! Your ingredients will cost about $30 for your bar’s batch, but you can charge up to $15 per slider.

Burger Sliders are a great choice for your bar because they’re delicious and easy to make!

4. Bacon Wrapped Tater Tots

Bacon-Wrapped Tater Tots are a delicious appetizer for bars, but they’re also incredibly easy to make! These bacon-wrapped tater tot appetizers are a great choice because of their appeal to customers and ease of preparation. Bacon Wrapped Tater Tots are a great choice for your bar because they’re delicious and easy to make!

5. Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Pulled Pork Sandwiches are one of the most popular items on a bar’s menu. Your ingredients will cost about $20 for this item, but you can charge up to $15 per sandwich!

The costs for these items are relatively inexpensive, but they’re still delicious and profitable. It’s always a good idea to experiment with new menu items when you’re running your bar!

6. Buffalo Chicken Dip with Chips or Carrots

Buffalo Chicken Dip is a delicious item that’s easy to serve on game day or any other time of the year. This dip will cost about $30 for your bar to make, but it’ll sell out quickly because of its popularity!

Buffalo Chicken Dips are an excellent choice for bars because they’re both incredibly popular and inexpensive!

7. Chicken Fingers

Chicken Fingers are a delicious option for your bar menu because they’re both popular and inexpensive. The costs for these items are relatively inexpensive, but they’re still delicious and profitable. It’s always a good idea to experiment with new menu items when you’re running your bar!

There are many different options that work well for bars, but these seven items will help you increase profits. You need to make sure that the food is something customers want and enjoy, so do some research into what others in your area offer before making any decisions about which foods to offer.