Our Editors Share Their New Daily Routines While Social Distancing!
The Brand New (Not) Normal
Once we still shelter-in-place, time feels more and more irrelevant-yet like it’s the most crucial factor we've. Very little is sensible when confronted with a worldwide pandemic. I’ll express it: nowadays are weird. They’re confusing. They’re filled with grief. And a few mornings, the only real factor that will get me rousted is understanding that somebody might read these words and feel, maybe, a little bit soothed.
Today, we is discussing what our (new) routines seem like as current occasions unfold around us.
My routine focuses on the occasions I carefully come out for outdoors. I have a 10-minute walk neighborhood each morning, along with a jog when I close my laptop during the day. These bookends start and shut my workday and support my mental wellbe...