West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday inaugurated the recently built Tala Bridge in North Kolkata. “This can be a gift prior to the Durga Puja to the people,” stated the main minister in the inauguration.
Commuters visiting North Kolkata from Baranagar or Sinthi Junction won’t need to mix the Belgachia Bridge. The outlet from the bridge before Durga Puja is anticipated to lessen traffic jam within the city.
Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) Mayor, Firhad Hakim, stated, “This latest bridge was built while using most advanced technology, it is much more powerful than ever before.”
The Tala bridge received its safety certificate from Eastern Railway after IIT-Kharagpur vetted the structure’s load-testing report.
Earlier, any adverse health inspection from the Tala Bridge was transported in September 2018 following the Majerhat Bridge collapsed.